Japanese Plus Cultural Activities

Genki Japanese and Culture School


Chủ đề khóa học

Nghe, phát biểu, phát âm, đọc, viết, từ vựng, Ngữ pháp và hoạt động

Lịch học

Thời lượng khóa học
2-4 tuần
Ngày khai giảng
Thứ hai hàng tuần (trừ người mới học)
Ngày khai giảng cho người mới học
Thứ hai đầu tiên hàng tháng
26 lessons per week (mỗi tiết học kéo dài 50 phút)
Ngày học
Thứ hai - Thứ bảy
Ngày nghỉ lễ
15 Th07 2024, 12 Th08 2024, 16 Th09 2024, 23 Th09 2024, 14 Th10 2024, 04 Th11 2024

Trường GenkiJACS nghỉ làm việc vào các ngày lễ nêu trên. Trường không dạy bù cho những ngày lễ này, vì vậy hãy bảo đảm là bạn chọn ngày khai giảng thích hợp.

Thời gian học

Buổi sáng phiên
09:30 - 13:10
Hoạt động
14:05 - 16:05
Hoạt động
09:30 - 11:30
Chiều phiên
14:05 - 17:45

Lịch học có thể thay đổi tùy theo nhu cầu và theo mùa.

Mô tả khóa học

Are you interested in Japanese culture? This course offers you the opportunity to learn about the culture while learning the language, and the chance to participate in it with other Japanese people.
You will study topics such as ceramics, tea ceremony, calligraphy, and flower arrangement at school, and then join real lessons run for Japanese people with a specialist teacher, as well as learning about Japanese customs, history, and art.
We guarantee that you will have a great experience!
Please note that all the cultural activities will take place on Saturdays.

Maximum length of course: 4 weeks
Schedule: 10 grammar, 10 4-skills application Monday to Friday and then 3 cultural classes on Saturdays
Course available: Year-round, starting every Monday (for complete beginners: first Monday of every month and third Mondays in June, July and August)

Lớp học cấp

Cơ bản
Sơ cấp
Thấp trung gian
Bạn sẽ phải làm bài kiểm tra trình độ vào ngày khai giảng để xếp lớp Bạn cũng có thể làm bài kiểm tra này trước khi đến Kyōto.

Sỹ số lớp

Trung bình 4 sinh viên
Tối đa 8 sinh viên

Tuổi sinh viên

Độ tuổi 14 tuổi và lớn hơn
Trung bình 25 tuổi

Chứng chỉ

Chứng chỉ hoàn thành khóa học sẽ được trao vào cuối khóa học
Đọc tiếp...


  • Genki Japanese and Culture School 1/7
  • Genki Japanese and Culture School 2/7
  • Genki Japanese and Culture School 3/7
  • Genki Japanese and Culture School 4/7
  • Genki Japanese and Culture School 5/7
  • Genki Japanese and Culture School 6/7
  • Genki Japanese and Culture School 7/7

Nhận xét

67% giới thiệu

dựa trên 6 đánh giá
5 sao
4 sao
3 sao
2 sao
1 sao
Chất lượng dạy học
Cơ sở vật chất trường học
Hoạt động xã hội
Địa điểm trường học
Nhà ở

"Not suited to beginners, disappointing and poor example of adult pedagogy."

Annie Mitchell, sinh viên từ Úc

Review of Japanese Genki Jacs

Genki Jacs website promotes absolute beginners classes, where they cater for students “who have never spoken a word of Japanese”. They promote small classes where there is “more attention from teachers, making it easier to focus on students specific needs in an intimate and comfortable environment.”

From these statements, a certain expectation was set regarding the level and pace of the courses offered. More specifically, absolute beginners classes only take enrolements on the first Monday of the month; whcih again, set certain expectations up for what might be offered. My recent experience did not reflect what was promoted and at best could be described as disappointing.

The lack of comprehension of any style of pedagogy, personalized learning, student focused learning tasks and lesson progression demonstrated the inexperience of the teaching staff and overall curriculum focus of the school. Lessons were not adjusted or tailored to meet student needs, showed very limited reflection of student abilities and progression, despite the rigorous and strict adherence homework and data collection.

This was not an environment for adult learners to enrich learning, build skills and understanding, but an imperialist age left over education based on fear and shame. The environment was neither intimate nor comfortable, unless this meant cramped sitting space and tiny rooms.

Perhaps the school is indicative of the entire Japanese Education System and expectations; however, being an international school, catering for students who are from around the globe, it might be expected that a pedagogy aligning with international adult learning would have been implemented, rather than being reflective of the expectations and culture within a local junior high school.

While there was a miscommunication regarding the need to know hiragana before starting; this in no way caters for the promotion of ‘not knowing any Japanese at all’. Simply being able to identify a symbol does not equate to understanding its sound nor how it relates when placed next to other sounds to blend sounds into words. Fluency of sounds is a skill only reached through rigorous repetition, identification, modelling, sight and sound words and vocal exploration. While an adult might be expected to have a quicker uptake of sounds and fluency based on their prior experience of learning to read and speak over several years as a young child, this is not a process that can be achieved in months, much less weeks – and for many adult learners can take many months; dependent up their own phenetic skill awareness and confidence.

Within the first week at the school, the class was expected to have reading fluency of not only hiragana, but the introduction of Katakana. Reading fluency refers to the ability to read quickly, smoothly, easily, and with expression. To read fluently, a reader must understand how the symbols on the page (the letters) are related to the sounds of the language, how those sounds are blended together to form words, what the words mean, and what the words together in a sentence mean. This skill is something that is built over time and practice.

My first week was spent with two other students in the alleged absolute beginner class. Our first lesson saw the teacher write a sentence in hiragana on the board and ask us to read it. In no version of an educative environment would a beginner reader and speaker be expected not only to identify the symbols but to blend and speak them out loud on the first week. The expectations of the beginner class were unrealistic and not in touch with the individual needs of the class, particularly when the range of abilities was so wide. The other two students in my class were clearly advanced, having the ability to write and reading katakana and hiragana, and be able to construct blended sentences using a variety of known words and concepts.

I openly cried in and out of class out of frustration and helplessness as I was shamed and left further and further behind. I was not in a beginner class but with two other students who were confident Japanese speakers and could read fluently. I felt unwelcome and extremely uncomfortable.

At this point, I would like to highlight my strong resilience and adaptability. I draw on a lifetime of high resilience, having experienced personal traumas, deaths, natural disasters and emotional turmoil. I am an experienced and highly skilled world traveler, having backpacked and lived in much of Europe and parts of Asia for over 10 years. I do not say lightly that after a week here, I was planning on leaving and my emotional outbursts were not a case of culture shock or lack of resilience.

The lack of understanding of the mechanics of education was highlighted in every aspect of the class structure. An example was the use of homework for each class. This was not used to assess a students understanding; because if it was, there was no indication that lessons were adjusted to cater for the misunderstandings. On multiple occasions, I was unable to complete parts of the homework and wrote notes on the sheets for the marking teacher to read when it was handed in. These were not addressed, nor were they reviewed. The solution to challenges in keeping up with class content was to give more homework, to the point of it being hours of work outside of the class – and much of it incomprehendable.

The materials were of extremely poor quality. Photocopied sheets were often blurry and writing so tiny, it was often difficult to ascertain what was written. The images were ambiguous and it was often difficult to understand what the activity was requiring.

There was no indication at the school of application of pedagogy of adult learners and adult learning styles. With the website promoting beginner courses suited to a four week commitment, there was little indication that this was the case. It appeared that there were lessons which were rigorously adhered to, with little personalization or room for adjustments or revision.

My highlight of the week was the culture classes; which were well thought out, engaging and varied in activities and interest areas. The tour leaders were interesting and willing to share their experiences and knowledge with the group.

The schools central location is easy to access and surrounded by wonderful cultural spots. While the course facilitators were not teachers and did not draw upon any tools or skills to adapt lessons to suit a range of abilities, they were not unpleasant. However they were not approachable, nor warm. I suspect that it is culturally inappropriate for teachers to build any sort of relationship with students, even adult aged ones. The classes were on the whole ,silent with no encouragement for student input or personalization. This promoted a lack of trust within the classroom, fear and isolation.

While I write this as a reflection of my own experiences, I know that I am not an isolated case as a beginner learner. I am aware that the school caters for advanced speakers and learners and perhaps this is where their expertise lays. I would suggest that this school is not suited to beginners of the language. If they were to continue promoting this, then they might look at engaging a qualified teacher from primary school who teachers learning to read and speak ( 4 – 6 year olds) and engage in some of the pedagogy surrounding phonetic awareness, reading and writing.

I would suggest that if knowledge of Hiragana writing and reading was a prerequisite to enrolling that this be something that i s managed WELL before arriving and done online or in an exam situation or similar.

Đọc tiếp...

Xếp hạng của tôi cho trường học này

Chất lượng dạy học
Cơ sở vật chất trường học
Hoạt động xã hội
Địa điểm trường học
Nhà ở
Thời lượng học
3 tuần
Ngày học
1 Jan 2024 - 26 Jan 2024
Bạn có giới thiệu trường này?
Đây là đánh giá được xác minh. Học viên này đã đặt một khóa học tại trường này thông qua Language International.
Oscar San Jose, Marketing and Sales Manager at Genki Japanese and Culture School responded to this review.
16 February 2024

Dear Annie,
First of all thank you very much for your review.
We are always happy to receive feedback for both the positive and the negative of our courses.
Negative reviews help us keep improving all the time so we are grateful.

Our courses are actually designed for complete beginners who can already read the hiragana alphabet. Learning to read the hiragana alphabet before starting is our requirement for all levels, including complete beginners and that is clearly stated in our website and we always remind everyone when booking.
If a student joins our complete beginner class without that hiragana knowledge then it will be very difficult for them that is why we are always very noisy with the requirement.
Were you not reminded about it by Language International? We did remind them when we confirmed the booking.
If you were not notified at all by them before or after confirming the booking could you kindly write to me at [email protected]?
We want to note though that Katakana is not required before starting at the complete beginner class.
Also the other 2 students in your class were complete beginner level (some students have learned by themselves the alphabets and some basic words but are still complete beginners and cannot join a higher class). The curriculum was not modified at all for them and what you had is our regular complete beginner curriculum.

Learning how to read the hiragana alphabet (not to write it) can be done by oneself through multiple available apps and our Hiragana section in our website which has all the sounds as well with the voices of our teachers and quizzes.
As coming to Japan is a big investment for most of our students we want to start right away into the matter and not using the first class hours with the Hiragana alphabet. That system has made our complete beginner students improve faster and make the most of their time in Japan.

Most of our students are beginners and our curriculum is giving good results for them. We are actually not focused on intermediate students, therefore we are extremely sorry that in your case our curriculum didn't work.

We are very sorry that you thought that our materials were poor, we will look into it and improve them where needed.

Regarding the class sizes, yes they are small but adapted to the maximum number of students in class that is 8.

We are happy that you at least enjoy our culture classes.

We would had liked you to talk to us about this while you were at the school as we could have helped you right then. We apologize if you didn't feel that you could not do so as this is the opposite feeling we want to give.
We try to make our students as comfortable as possible and give them the confidence to talk with us anytime there is an issue or misunderstanding.
We have introduced since the end of January a "First impressions survey" for all our new students to express their issues and concerns right after finishing their first week in order to be able to act right away.

We are again very sorry that you didn't have a good experience with us. We take our students feedback very seriously and will make sure this misunderstanding does not happen anymore.

Yours sincerely,

"It was a great place to meet people from around the world and I feel much more confident in my Japanese!"

Andrew WERDEN, sinh viên từ Hoa Kỳ

The teachers were amazing at teaching. The locations were extremely convinient. However the Tokyo location was hard to find. The classes were well structured and the class sizes were optimal if not a little small. My host family was amazing. You guys are awesome, thank you for this experience.

Đọc tiếp...

Xếp hạng của tôi cho trường học này

Chất lượng dạy học
Cơ sở vật chất trường học
Hoạt động xã hội
Địa điểm trường học
Thời lượng học
1 tuần
Ngày học
26 Jun 2023 - 7 Jul 2023
Bạn có giới thiệu trường này?
Đây là đánh giá được xác minh. Học viên này đã đặt một khóa học tại trường này thông qua Language International.

"Incredible experience."

Christian Ricardo Jimenez Guillen, sinh viên từ Đức

I like many things about Genkijacs, including the school facilities, location, teaching method, and professors, which is why I rate it 5 stars. Japan's culinary culture is incredible, with thousands of restaurants, but unfortunately, the time between classes is too short to explore these alternatives. However, I did have time to explore the restaurants in the afternoon :). The student attention at Genkijacs was excellent, and the staff helped me with all aspects of transport without any issues.

On the other hand, I was not satisfied with the quality of the department I was assigned to, despite its beautiful location. When I returned to Germany, I wrote to the school with photos to highlight the issues, and they assured me that they would investigate the matter with the service providers. Living in Kyoto was an experience for me, and the quality of the department was an essential part of that experience. If I had to pay double or triple to get better conditions, I would do it without hesitation. For my next visit, I will be more particular about the accommodation.

Đọc tiếp...

Xếp hạng của tôi cho trường học này

Chất lượng dạy học
Cơ sở vật chất trường học
Hoạt động xã hội
Địa điểm trường học
Nhà ở
Thời lượng học
1 tuần
Ngày học
3 Apr 2023 - 14 Apr 2023
Bạn có giới thiệu trường này?
Đây là đánh giá được xác minh. Học viên này đã đặt một khóa học tại trường này thông qua Language International.

"Overall a good experience"

Alfred Makne Poulsen, sinh viên từ Đan Mạch

The teachers was very friendly and had different teaching styles.
It's for the most part fast paced learning. We went through around 2 chapters every week.

We followed the Minna no nihongo book.
With about a month interval there's a test we had to take. If you don't pass you may have to take the same month again.

We got homework every day (except weekends) but for the most part not to time-consuming.

But if you want more homework you can just ask

Đọc tiếp...

Xếp hạng của tôi cho trường học này

Chất lượng dạy học
Cơ sở vật chất trường học
Hoạt động xã hội
Địa điểm trường học
Nhà ở
Thời lượng học
23 tuần
Ngày học
5 Sep 2022 - 17 Feb 2023
Bạn có giới thiệu trường này?
Đây là đánh giá được xác minh. Học viên này đã đặt một khóa học tại trường này thông qua Language International.

"II will give 80 marks out of a total of 100. The top up conversational classes are not as helpful as I have expected."

TSE PYH, sinh viên từ Hong Kong

Some teachers are very zealous to teach such as Keigo San, Kanego San and Yasuko San. Some are not very full-heartedly.

Đọc tiếp...

Xếp hạng của tôi cho trường học này

Chất lượng dạy học
Cơ sở vật chất trường học
Hoạt động xã hội
Địa điểm trường học
Thời lượng học
3 tuần
Ngày học
6 Feb 2023 - 3 Mar 2023
Bạn có giới thiệu trường này?
Đây là đánh giá được xác minh. Học viên này đã đặt một khóa học tại trường này thông qua Language International.

"It was challenging, but very rewarding."

Peter Charles Slaven, sinh viên từ Úc

The classes were tough and fast paced, but overall were extremely rewarding. I personally got frustrated at times because the classes are almost entirely done in Japanese and I could not understand what was going on because I was an Absolute Beginner. The teachers are very lovely and helpful. The location is central and great for post class activities.

Đọc tiếp...

Xếp hạng của tôi cho trường học này

Chất lượng dạy học
Cơ sở vật chất trường học
Hoạt động xã hội
Địa điểm trường học
Thời lượng học
1 tuần
Ngày học
2 Mar 2020 - 13 Mar 2020
Bạn có giới thiệu trường này?
Đây là đánh giá được xác minh. Học viên này đã đặt một khóa học tại trường này thông qua Language International.

Nhà ở

GenkiJACS cung cấp những loại nhà ở:

Homestay - Single-person room - Ăn sáng và ăn tối

5,195,186 ₫
hàng tuần

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Độ tuổi: 16 tuổi và lớn hơn
Địa điểm: Outside the city center of Kyōto
Loại nhà ở: Homestay
Loại phòng: Single-person room
Bữa ăn: Ăn sáng và ăn tối (7 bữa ăn mỗi tuần)
Cơ sở vật chất: Nhà bếp, giặt ủi, máy vi tính, internet không dây, internet miễn phí, thảm, điều hoà nhiệt độ, hệ thống sưởi ấm, và giám sát 24/7
Khoảng cách đến trường: 40 - 90 phút bằng train or subway
Sẵn có: Tháng một - Tháng mười hai
Ngày đến: Chủ nhật, bất cứ lúc nào
Ngày khởi hành: Chủ nhật, bất cứ lúc nào
5,195,186 ₫
The opportunity to stay with a Japanese host family is the perfect way to immerse yourself in the culture, and practice at "home" what you learned at school that day.

When arranging a host family for you, we try to take into account any needs or preferences you may have, such as smoker or non-smoker, allergies, English ability, and so on. Your host family can act as guides and mentors, friends and companions, and a wonderful resource in your adventure in Japan. They are likely to be the people you become closest to during your stay, which is why we work with a very reputable homestay provider that performs a thorough screening of all host family applicants, to ensure that they can provide a suitable environment to assist your learning and to allow you to fully experience Japan.

Student residence - Single-person room - Không ăn

3,290,284 ₫
hàng tuần

Kyoto Guesthouse

Độ tuổi: 18 tuổi và lớn hơn
Địa điểm: In the city center of Kyōto
Loại nhà ở: Student residence (off-campus)
Loại phòng: Single-person room
Bữa ăn: Không ăn
Cơ sở vật chất: Nhà bếp, giặt ủi, internet không dây, internet miễn phí, thảm, điều hoà nhiệt độ, và hệ thống sưởi ấm
Khoảng cách đến trường: 25 - 45 phút bằng train or subway
Sẵn có: Tháng một - Tháng mười hai
Ngày đến: Chủ nhật, bất cứ lúc nào
Ngày khởi hành: Thứ bảy, bất cứ lúc nào
3,290,284 ₫
A private room in a guesthouse with both other foreigners and Japanese people gives you the freedom to enjoy the city life freely, but also the chance to make friends. The room includes a bed, desk, and simple living space. Kitchen, toilet and bathing facilities are shared with other guests.

Căn hộ - Single-person room - Không ăn

7,792,779 ₫
hàng tuần

Private apartment - Single-person room - No meals

Độ tuổi: 18 tuổi và lớn hơn
Địa điểm: In the city center of Kyōto
Loại nhà ở: Private apartment
Loại phòng: Single-person room
Bữa ăn: Không ăn
Cơ sở vật chất: Phòng tắm riêng, nhà bếp, giặt ủi, internet miễn phí, tV phòng, thảm, điều hoà nhiệt độ, và hệ thống sưởi ấm
Khoảng cách đến trường: 15 - 35 phút bằng train or subway
Sẵn có: Tháng một - Tháng mười hai
Ngày đến: Chủ nhật, bất cứ lúc nào
Ngày khởi hành: Thứ bảy, bất cứ lúc nào
7,792,779 ₫
Apartments are conveniently located in the central area of Kyotp, giving you the freedom to enjoy the city.
Apartments are usually Western style, about 20 square meters in size. All apartments have air conditioning, a bed, and are fully furnished.

Hỗ trợ visa

Chúng tôi không thể thay mặt sinh viên để đăng ký visa. Tuy nhiên, trường học có thể cung cấp cho bạn tất cả các loại giấy tờ cần thiết, trợ giúp bạn xin visa.

Thư tiếp nhận của bạn sẽ được gửi đến địa chỉ nhà bạn theo đường gửi thư thông thường miễn phí. Nếu bạn muốn nhận được giấy tờ của mình theo đường chuyển phát nhanh, thì bạn sẽ phải trả thêm ¥ 6,500 khi thực hiện đăng ký.

Thông tin chuyến bay và vận chuyển tại sân bay

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Kyōto based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Bảo hiểm du lịch

Yên tâm du học với chương trình bảo hiểm sức khỏe và trách nhiệm nhân sự của Language International. Khi bạn đặt khóa học thông qua chúng tôi, bạn có thể lựa chọn mua một gói bảo hiểm quốc tế không chỉ giúp bạn chi trả các chi phí chăm sóc sức khỏe, mà còn bảo vệ tài sản cá nhân của bạn. Bạn phải đánh dấu vào mục bảo hiểm tương ứng khi thực hiện đăng ký.

Tìm hiểu thêm về các loại hình bảo hiểm »

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Câu hỏi & câu trả lời

Có câu hỏi? Hãy nhận câu trả lời từ nhân viên và cựu sinh viên Genki Japanese and Culture School.

Đặt câu hỏi
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